Data Migration Testing Checklists: Before, During, & After

Testing a migration before, during, and after you’ve moved the data is important to safeguard your project’s success. Most of the time, data testing relies on sampling. Sampling pulls a random subset of the data to test, debug, and retest until it meets the necessary requirements. This familiar approach is effective, but it assumes the repeatability of the testing and an acceptable level of error. So, what other testing approaches are there for data migration projects? What should be tested before, during, and after the migration to ensure data is meeting the requirements?

Pre-Migration Testing Checklist

For simple migrations, pre-migration testing may seem unnecessary, but most businesses customize and adapt their software solutions to their needs, so the migration process is rarely as simple as plugging one system’s core objects into another. Migrating complex applications requires some prep work, which includes the following:

Migration Testing Checklist

Migration testing is a combination of white box and black box testing procedures. White box testing is a structural test of the software in which the software developers already know the internal structure, design, and implementation of what’s being tested. It tests the logic of the software. Although it’s time consuming, it’s necessary, and it requires knowledge of the implementation and the programming for the migration.

Black box testing is a functional test usually performed by software testers. It is the behavior testing of the software. In this instance, the internal structure, design, and implementation of what’s being tested are not known to the testers. Black box testing is less time consuming than white box and does not require knowledge of the implementation or programming. As you undertake migration testing, be sure to check all the necessary aspects, which include:

Post-Migration Testing Checklist

You migrated! You’re done! Just kidding…After the physical data migration is complete, more testing remains to be done:

Follow these checklist items before, during, and after to produce a successful migration project that will add value to your business. Or skip the headache altogether with a professional migration from StarfishETL! Reach out to us at to start the conversation.