New Compliance Requirement for California Insurance Agents’ Email Communications

Updated on: December 29, 2022 | By Paul Roberts | California


Under new California law (SB 1242) effective January 1, 2023, California insurance agents are required to list their insurance license numbers on all email communications.

Existing California law from the mid-1990s requires insurance agents to print their license numbers on business cards, quotes, and print advertisements. SB 1242 applies these same requirements to agents’ electronic mail correspondence involving any activity for which a license is required beginning in 2023. This allows consumers to confirm that the person and/or agency is actively licensed with the California Department of Insurance.

While the law applies to California insurance agents with accident and health or sickness licenses, it also applies to other California insurance licensees such as property and casualty, life, disability, annuity, personal, auto, etc.

Note: this law only applies to California licenses – both resident and non-resident. It does not apply in other states, though other states may follow California’s direction in future law(s).