Michigan Merit Curriculum/Graduation Requirements

A Michigan high school graduate should have the ability to:

Michigan Merit Curriculum

The Michigan Merit Curriculum is the result of an extraordinary partnership between the Executive Branch, State Board of Education, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Legislature, and numerous education associations MCL 380.1278a, MCL 380.1278b.

High School Graduation Requirements Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The FAQ webpage was designed to provide readers with additional information and clarification regarding the flexibility within the State graduation requirements. The FAQ webpage will be regularly updated as needed. For questions related to the Michigan Merit Curriculum, please contact the Educational Experiences Unit at 517-241-4285.

World Language Update (09/2020)

In September 2020 Public Act 158 of 2020 was signed into law which amended the Revised School Code to eliminate dates during which high school students may fulfill one of the two foreign language credits required for a diploma by completing a Department-approved formal Career and Technical Education (CTE) program or by completing an additional visual or performing arts credit. This flexibility was scheduled to be phased out for students graduating after 2024; however, PA 158 makes it permanent.

Earning Credit Options

Leveraging CTE to Support Implementation of the Michigan Merit Curriculum
Guidance on integration of content and credit waiver options for earing credit.

Economics in Marketing
Learn how to grant economics credit through State-approved marketing programs utilizing the Michigan Collaborative Teaching Model. Aligned lesson plans and course outlines are included.

Algebra II in Engineering, Manufacturing, Industrial Technology (EMIT)
Learn how to grant mathematics credit through State-approved EMIT Programs utilizing the Michigan Collaborative Teaching Model. Aligned lesson plans and course outlines are included.


Michigan Seal of Biliteracy

The Michigan Seal of Biliteracy has been created to recognize high school graduates who exhibit language proficiency in English and at least one additional world language.

Evaluating Bias in Instructional Materials

MDE, in partnership with The Comprehensive Center Network Region 8, is providing the following report: Tools and Guidance for Evaluating Bias in Instructional Materials. Districts may use this report to identify tools and rubrics that will assess bias in local standards and curricular materials.