Call Money Market: Call Money, Notice Money, Term Money

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The money market is a market for short-term financial assets that are close substitutes of money. The most important feature of a money market instrument is that it is liquid and can be turned over quickly at low cost and provides an avenue for calibrating the short-term surplus funds of lenders and the requirements of borrowers. The call money market consists of three important instruments viz. Call Money, Notice Money and Term Money.

Table of Contents

Call Money, Notice Money, Term Money

Features of Call Money Market

Why banks require Call Money Market

The banks access the call money market for managing intra-day funding requirements. The most prominent use of this market is to help banks in maintaining reserve requirements i.e. CRR

RBI directed all deals in call/notice/term money among NDS members to be reported automatically through NDS

What is NDS-CALL?

NDS-CALL system developed and managed by CCIL (The Clearing Corporation of India Limited). It is a screen-based negotiated quote-driven system for all dealings in call/notice and term money markets – NDS-CALL was launched on September 18, 2006

The unique features of NDS-CALL system are:

This system has improved transparency and facilitated better rate discovery in the call money market. The system also helped to improve the ease of transactions, increase operational efficiency and resolve problems associated with asymmetry of information

Entities eligible to participate in Call Money Market

The following entities shall be eligible to participate in the Call, Notice and Term Money Markets, both as borrowers and lenders:

Prudential limits

The Prudential limits for outstanding borrowing transactions in Call, Notice and Term Money Markets are as follows: