Structure My Novel With Me (+ 3-Act Story Structure Template) #NaNoWriMo2019

It’s time to OUTLINE. This October has been super special because we’ve been outlining our NaNoWriMo 2019 novels together! Last week we covered character profiles and theme, and this week we’re getting to the actual outlining part with (you guessed it) the 3-act story structure.

I love the three act story structure for so many reasons. First, because it’s tried and true. The more I study and psychoanalyze my favorite stories (and best-loved history-making stories) the more I discover an interesting commonality: they are share the same basic structure! The 3-act story structure makes room for character transformation and depth of meaning, which is the key ingredient to make a story memorable.

Not to mention, the 3-act story structure works with every single genre! So whether you’re outlining a cute contemporary like me or epic fantasy or paranormal or historical fiction – this structure is for you. I guarantee it will help you make your story matter by digging deep into your characters’ internal conflict and why everything that happens matters to them (and thus, matters to the reader.)

I’m so excited about today’s episode of WritersLife Wednesdays! We cover:

Grab the template:

Let’s talk.

Let’s talk story structure! Did you try out the 3-act story structure template? If so, how did it go? How is your Preptober going?? Come back next week for the episode on detailed outlining and scene cards!

If you liked this episode of WritersLife Wednesday, please share it with a writer friend! Also be sure to subscribe to my channel to get new videos every Wednesday all about writing, publishing, and making your author dreams come true.

Rock on,

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