How To Write a Retirement Congratulations Letter (With Templates and Examples)

Today marks a special milestone for [Name], [he/she] is retiring from [Company] after [number of years] of service. Retirement is a significant event in a person’s life, and this one is no exception. As [Name] sets out on a new journey, it is our pleasure to take this opportunity to extend congratulations and well wishes to [him/her] on reaching this important milestone.
In a career spanning [number of years], [Name] has contributed enormously to [Company], and has made a lasting impact on both colleagues and the business as a whole. [He/She] has been a leader in his/her field, a mentor to younger colleagues, and a source of encouragement to those around him/her. [Name] will be sorely missed, but [he/she] leaves behind a lasting legacy that will long remain within the halls of [Company].
As [Name] moves forward with the

Why write someone a congratulatory retirement letter?

Here are three good grounds for sending a letter of congratulations on retirement to a worker about to leave the workforce:

Support the retiring professionals life changes

Retirement presents many major shifts in a persons life. The retiree might experience conflicting feelings about it, like excitement and anxiety. Providing consolation, inspiration, and appreciation can ease the transition of the professionals into retirement.

Show your appreciation for their contributions

Writing a retirement congratulations letter gives you the chance to acknowledge someone’s career accomplishments. If the retiring professional is an employee of your company, acknowledge their contributions to your department and yourself. If you had a close working relationship with the retiring professional, you might reflect on particular experiences or accomplishments you had in common.

Maintain a positive relationship

Maintaining a good relationship even if a professional is leaving the workforce can be advantageous to both of you. For instance, you might want to request the retiree to serve as a future reference, introduce you to potential clients, or provide you with career mentoring. Similarly, the retiring professional might value keeping in touch with you to find out about market developments or temporary job openings.

When to write a retirement congratulations letter

When a coworker, worker, supervisor, former coworker, or client is about to retire, send them a letter of congratulations. Write the letter as soon as you become aware of the recipient’s retirement so that you have a clear memory of their professional accomplishments, contributions, and personality traits. You can present the letter to the retiree at or soon after the celebration if they have planned a retirement party or similar event. You might also choose to mail the letter shortly before their retirement date.

How to write a retirement congratulations letter

Here are eight steps to follow as you write a letter of congratulations on retirement to a coworker, employee, or manager:

1. Choose the form of the letter

Choose a formal email, a handwritten card, or a postal letter as the format for your congratulations letter. Choose the format that best suits your interaction with the retiring professional. For instance, a business email or letter might be the best choice if all or the majority of your prior communications with the retiree have been on a professional level. Consider sending a digital or physical congratulations card if you have a closer relationship with the retiree.

2. Know the approximate length of your letter

Estimate the length of the letter’s content before you start writing. Retirement congratulations letters typically range in length from a few paragraphs to a full page. If you decide to include a letter of congratulations in a card, you might want to type it up first or include an additional sheet to the card to ensure that you have enough room for your message.

3. Include your contact information

your contact information (address, phone number, and email) at the letter’s top or bottom. Include your personal contact information, such as your home address, if you are close with the retiree. If your relationship is more formal, include your place of employment.

4. Offer congratulations

Open your letter with a congratulatory statement. Show your excitement at this next stage of their life. You could mention those in the opening of the letters if you are aware of their retirement plans, such as traveling or spending more time with their family.

5. Show appreciation for their hard work

Thank the retiree for their contributions throughout their career. Put a focus on their significant initiatives or accomplishments in their field, industry, or company. Thank them for contributing to the expansion of their department or company over a long period of time if they have been with their current employer.

6. Highlight their positive traits

Talk about the professional traits of the retiring person that you value most or that have had the biggest positive impact on other professionals. You could, for instance, write about how much their coworkers value their positive outlook or how much you respect their diligent work ethic in your letter. The qualities you highlight can, but need not, be related to their professional achievements, for instance, if their flexibility assisted in resolving a challenging business issue.

7. Personalize the letter

If you are close with the retiring professional, make your remarks and compliments more specific. For instance, you might recall a happy memory of that person from your past, whether it was amusing or more emotional. Describe how their assistance has improved your life if they have had an impact on your career, such as by giving you advice about your career or supporting you in a difficult situation.

Research the retiring professional if you don’t know them well. Make contact with the retiring person’s coworkers, clients, supervisors, or anyone else who may be more familiar with them professionally. Inquire of these people about the retiree’s work ethic, good qualities, and any pleasant memories they may have. Then, you can incorporate these insights in your letter of congratulations on your retirement. You could write about how wonderful it has been to listen to coworkers discuss the kindness of retirees in the workplace, for instance, if several people in the retiring professionals network discuss retirees’ compassion.

8. Wish them success in the future

Offer the retiree your best wishes for their continued success. You may express hopes for the future of your relationship with the retiring professional, depending on how close you are. For instance, if the two of you have talked about engaging in a specific activity together that you have yet to do, express your desire to do it with them once more.

Retirement letter congratulations template

Here is a template for a professional congratulatory retirement letter:

[Your professional contact information]

[A professional greeting, such as “Dear. Use the retiree’s usual name, whether it is their first or last name.

[Congratulate them on their retirement]

Discuss the person’s tenure with the company or as a colleague, their greatest successes, and any other standout contributions they have made to the company.

[Mention their positive characteristics in relation to their job]

[Discuss the positive feedback they’ve received from clients, colleagues, or immediate supervisors]

[Offer them luck in their future endeavors]

(Provide closing remarks and sign your name as they would ordinarily address you)

Here is a sample letter of congratulations on retirement that you can use if you know the retiree personally:

[Your personal contact information]

[A warm greeting with the retirees first name]

[Congratulate them on their retirement]

Discuss the person’s tenure with the company or as a colleague, their greatest successes, and any other standout contributions they have made to the company.

Mention your own personal qualities and how they relate to your job.

[Explain their impact on your life personally or professionally, or share a favorite memory of them]

[Wish them luck in their future endeavors and make a suggestion about how you hope your relationship with them will develop in the future]

[Write closing words and sign your first name]

Retirement congratulations letter example

Here is an example of a professional congratulations retirement letter:

David Burke
5810 Hamilton Road
Office Suite 4
[email protected]
111 -222-3333

On behalf of everyone here at Clever Consulting Inc. , I’d like to congratulate you on your retirement.

Your retirement is well-deserved because you worked hard for our business for more than 30 years. If you didn’t keep working to increase departmental productivity and cut costs, I don’t think our company would be as effective as it is now. You deserve even more recognition and praise for doing so while remaining polite and upbeat.

Many of your coworkers have recently shared pleasant memories of your adaptable approach to every issue you’ve encountered over the years with me. These coworkers still recall how you maintained an open mind and positive outlook while dealing with stressful or difficult situations. It was a privilege to have you for three decades; a few years with you would have been lucky for us.

I hope your future endeavors go well for you. I know you’ll pursue it as you did everything you did during your time here: with an open mind and a kind heart, no matter what you decide to do in the future.

Here is an illustration of a more personalized retirement congratulations letter:

Patricia Smith
3857 Cherry Tree Lane
Atlanta, GA, 30316
[email protected]

I’m so happy to congratulate you on your retirement. And also because having you around makes every day at work so much more enjoyable. But mostly, I am so excited for you. I know how eagerly you anticipate exploring the world with Bill after your professional career is over.

It’s incredible that we’ve collaborated here for almost 20 years. I always feel so proud to introduce Jane Travis, the marketing prodigy who turned a small business called Cereals R Us into one of the most well-known breakfast brands in the world, to new acquaintances. Every time you talk about your creative commercials and slogans, everyone is always so impressed. Almost two decades later, Im still impressed, too.

Before I even knew you personally when I started this job, I used to enjoy seeing what you did every day at work. Even when handling difficult negotiations or getting ready for crucial meetings, you always brought so much enthusiasm to the job. I have striven each day since to emulate your passion. I hope I’ve been able to share some of the joy you’ve given me with others and can continue to do so.

I hope you and Bill have a wonderful time traveling through Asia even though I know you don’t need any luck for the future. And perhaps when I retire in a few years, you and I will be able to travel to Australia at last!

How to Write a Retirement Congratulations Letter to Employee


How do you congratulate a retirement letter?

How to write a retirement congratulations letter
  1. Choose the form of the letter. …
  2. Know the approximate length of your letter. …
  3. Include your contact information. …
  4. Offer congratulations. …
  5. Show appreciation for their hard work. …
  6. Highlight their positive traits. …
  7. Personalize the letter. …
  8. Wish them success in the future.

How do you congratulate an employee for retirement?

Short Retirement Wishes & Messages
  1. “Congratulations! You deserve some R because you worked so hard.” ” .
  2. “Sending happy retirement wishes your way! “ …
  3. “Best wishes for a carefree and relaxing retirement.” …
  4. “May you have a long, happy, and fulfilling retirement.”

What do you write in a retirement letter?

Example messages for a coworker’s retirement card
  1. Congratulations on your retirement and your wonderful career!
  2. Happy retirement! We will miss you at the office!
  3. Celebrating you today! …
  4. Best wishes to you and your family. …
  5. Congrats to the retiree! …
  6. Congratulations! …
  7. You’ve worked hard for so many years. …
  8. Congratulations!

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