(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper 2019-20 : Database Management Applications

(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper 2019-20 : Database Management Applications

Class: XII
Database Management Applications-(795)
Sample Question Paper 2019-20


Attempt any ten from the following 10 x 1=10
1. The number of attributes in a relation is called the ____________of a relation.

a. Tuple
b. Table
c. Cardinality
d. Degree

2. In order to restrict the values of an attribute within a range, _________constraint to be used.
a. Check
c. Default

3. _______________ command is used to eliminate duplicate values of an attribute in the select query
a. Update
b. Unique
c. Distinct
d. No Duplicate

4. _____________ command is used to delete the structure of the table
a. Drop Table
b. Drop Database
c. Delete Table
d. Alter Table

5. ________________is the use of electronic i.e. information and communication technology (ICT) tools for governance by the government for the citizens
a. E Learning
b. e Commerce
c. E-Governance
d. E payment

6. E business offers advantages and opportunities, there are also risks and barriers. These include
a Violation of customer privacy
b Spikes causing websites to fail at peak times
c Internet hackers penetrating company security
d All of the above

7. Which segment do Flip Kart belong to ?
a B2B (Business to Business)
b C2C (Consumer to Consumer)
c C2B (Consumer to Business)
d B2C (Business to Consumer)

8. ____________ translates the byte code into machine code and then executes it.

9. _____________ is a method​​​​​​​ convert the string into its integer equivalent.
a. Integer.toString()
b. Integer.valueOf()
c. Integer.parseInt()
d. Float.parseFloat()

10. Which of the following statements​​​​​​​ is false about objects?
a. Object is an instance of a class
b. Object is capable of storing data
c. Each object has its own copy of methods
d. None of the above

11. ___________ statement is used to use a prebuilt class and associated methods in those class from the package
a. Include
b. Public
c. Extend
d. Import

12.___________ method of a String class converts all of the characters in this String to lower case
a. Lcase()
b. toLowerCase()
c. toLcase()
d. isLower()