Coogan Accounts: The Child Actor's Financial Safety Net

In the world of child actors, talent and charisma aren't the only currencies. There's also a crucial financial element that parents and guardians must navigate: Coogan Accounts. Named after Jackie Coogan, a child actor who lost his fortune to his parents, these accounts are a legal requirement designed to protect the financial interests of young performers.

The History of Coogan Accounts

Jackie Coogan, the child star of the silent film era, earned millions before he was of age. However, when he turned 21, he discovered his earnings had been squandered by his parents. This led to the enactment of the California Child Actor's Bill, commonly known as the Coogan Law. This law mandates that a portion of a child actor's earnings be preserved in a special trust account, now known as a Coogan Account.

Understanding Coogan Accounts

A Coogan Account is a blocked trust account where 15% of a child actor's gross earnings are deposited and held until they reach the age of majority. This law ensures that a portion of the child's earnings is safeguarded for their future. The account is set up in the child's name, and the funds cannot be touched until the child reaches the age of majority, which is typically 18 years.

Setting Up a Coogan Account

Establishing a Coogan Account involves a few key steps. First, you'll need to choose a financial institution that offers Coogan Accounts. Once you've selected an institution, you'll need to provide several documents, including a completed application with Social Security Numbers for all parties, a copy of the minor’s birth certificate, a government-issued photo ID for the parent/guardian, and proof of address for the custodian(s).

The Role of Coogan Accounts in a Child Actor's Career

Coogan Accounts play a vital role in a child actor's career. They ensure that a portion of the child's earnings is protected and saved for their future. This financial safety net can provide significant support as the child transitions into adulthood, whether they continue in the entertainment industry or pursue a different path.

Coogan Accounts and the Entertainment Industry

In the entertainment industry, Coogan Accounts are recognized as an essential part of a child actor's career. Talent agencies and managers are often involved in the process of setting up and managing these accounts, ensuring that the child's earnings are appropriately allocated and protected.

Coogan Accounts are more than just a legal requirement for child actors; they are a financial safety net, ensuring that young performers are rewarded for their work in the long term. As a parent or guardian, setting up a Coogan Account for your child actor is one of the most important steps you can take to protect their earnings and their future.


  1. Actors Federal Credit Union - Coogan Accounts
  2. Google Search Results - Coogan Accounts for Child Actors