Faa aviation medical form


The FAA MedXPress system allows anyone requiring an FAA Medical Clearance or Medical Certificate to electronically complete the FAA Form 8500-8. Information entered into MedXPress will be available for your FAA-designated Aviation Medical Examiner (AME) to review at the time of your medical examination.

NOTE: A medical examination by an AME is required to complete the medical clearance/certification process.

First-time users should go to the request account page and complete the form. You will be asked to supply your name and e-mail address. Your e- mail address will be used as your account name when logging into FAA MedXPress. You will also be prompted to answer three security questions that will be used to verify your identity if you forget your password or you need help with your account. After submitting your request, an e-mail containing your temporary password and instructions for completing the account request process will be sent to the address provided.

Once you receive an e-mail confirmation that your account has been created, you can return to the FAA MedXPress login page and use your e-mail address with the temporary password supplied in the confirmation e-mail to access the site.

Your account confirmation e-mail will include a temporary password to let you log into FAA MedXPress. So that your account remains secure, you will be required to change your password when you first log in. Passwords must begin with a letter, contain between 8 and 12 characters and include at least three of the following four character groups: English upper case characters (A through Z); English lower case characters (a through z); Numerals (0 through 9); Non-alphabetic characters (such as !, $, #, %). Passwords are case sensitive.

If you forget your password, you can click the "Forgot Password" link on the FAA MedXPress Login page and follow the instructions. You will be required to enter your e-mail address and answer your three security questions. A new temporary password will be sent to your e-mail account.

If you enter an incorrect password three consecutive times, your account will be locked for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, you may try entering your e-mail address and password again. If you have forgotten your password, click on the "Forgot Password" link on the FAA MedXPress Login page and follow the instructions.

Upon successful submission of your electronic application, you will be given a confirmation number. Your AME will be able to access your application using this number. Take your confirmation number with you when you arrive for your exam. Your AME will NOT be able to access your application without the confirmation number.

Specific help for information to be entered on the application can be found by clicking any item row marked with a "+" or the 8500-8 Instructions link (available on each page of the form and under the Help menu). Clicking either of these will bring up additional information for completing the application. You should make every attempt to complete the form to the best of your ability. If you are unsure of the information that is to be entered on the form, consult your AME at the time of your exam. Your AME will be able to make corrections to the information that you provide.

If your application is not submitted within 30 days of creation, it will be removed from the system. After your application is submitted, your medical examination must occur within 60 days or your application will be deleted. Once the clearance/certification process is complete, your application will be retained indefinitely.

Note: You must answer all three security questions correctly in order for FAA MyIT Service Center to reset your password.