Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System


The Federal Reserve aims to promote effective practices to help supervised institutions address cyber and operational risk and increase their ability to sustain operations through a range of severe but plausible scenarios.


Recent Supervision and Regulation Letter

SR 24-6: FFIEC Information Technology Examination Handbook – Development, Acquisition, and Maintenance


Review of the Federal Reserve’s Supervision and Regulation of Silicon Valley Bank

This report examines the factors that contributed to the failure of Silicon Valley Bank in March 2023 and reviews the role of the Federal Reserve, which was the primary federal supervisor for the bank and its holding company, Silicon Valley Bank Financial Group.

2023 Stress Test
Results of the stress test for 2023
June 2023

Federal Reserve Supervision and Regulation Report
The report summarizes banking conditions and the Federal Reserve’s supervisory and regulatory activities
May 2024

Institution Supervision

The Federal Reserve is responsible for supervising--monitoring, inspecting, and examining--certain financial institutions to ensure that they comply with rules and regulations, and that they operate in a safe and sound manner. Supervision of financial institutions is tailored based on the size and complexity of the institution.

Living Wills
Stress Tests
Supervision and Regulation Letters

Regulatory Resources

Regulation entails establishing the rules within which financial institutions must operate. This includes issuing specific reg­ulations and guidelines governing the formation, operations, activities, and acquisitions of financial institutions. The Federal Reserve offers numerous resources to assist banking organizations and the public understand these rules and related expectations.

Proposals for Comment
Disaster Preparedness and Recovery Resources
LIBOR Transition
Supervisory and Regulatory Actions in Response to COVID-19

Banking Applications & Legal Developments

The Federal Reserve reviews applications submitted by bank holding companies, state member banks, savings and loan holding companies, foreign banking organizations, and other entities and individuals for approval to undertake various transactions, including mergers and acquisitions, and to engage in new activities.

The Federal Reserve also takes formal enforcement actions against regulated institutions for violations of laws, rules, or regulations, unsafe or unsound practices, breaches of fiduciary duty, and violations of final orders.